'Big Brother' Alums Reveal Their Picks to Win: Cody, Nicole or Enzo

Gearing up for the end. As the Big Brother: All-Stars season 22 finale approaches, the focus becomes which finalist – Cody Calafiore, Nicole Franzel or Enzo Palumbo – played the best game and deserves to win $500,000.

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Us Weekly reached out to tons of BB alums – including five former winners in Lisa Donahue (season 3), Jun Song (season 4), Rachel Reilly (season 13), Andy Herren (season 15) and Josh Martinez (Season 19) – to get their winner picks.

Nicole Cody Enzo Big Brother All Stars
Nicole, Cody, and Enzo on Big Brother CBS

A case can be made for all three players left. Cody’s evaded the block all season long and has pretty much run the game from the beginning after winning the first Head of Household competition. But was it a mistake to not cut his ally Nicole, a former winner, earlier?

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Not only has Nicole already won and managed to stay when she was on the block against rookie David Alexander, but she’s also won a few competitions when it mattered. Is that enough for her to take home the prize?

As for Enzo, he’s made zero enemies with his stellar social game. He’s also won a few competitions, but did he do enough strategy-wise to convince the jury he deserves the votes?

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It all comes down to who wins the final HOH competition and who is sitting in those final two chairs.

Scroll down to see what former players have to say about the final three houseguests and pick who they want to win All-Stars.

The Big Brother: All-Stars finale airs on CBS Wednesday, October 28, at 9 p.m. ET.

Lisa Donahue (Big Brother 3 winner)

I'm still holding my breath that there's a magical twist to bring some REAL players back! However, seeing that that's not going to be the case, and I can no longer cheer on Janelle and Danielle .... the winner is going to be Cody, hands-down! His social game was flawless and he was a beast in competitions – the winning combination, the complete package! I love that Enzo made it this far for entertainment purposes, but thought he was all talk and no action in the Diary Room. As far as Nicole goes, absolutely not. She was the weakest in the house and is only around this long because of Cody.

Courtesy of Lisa Donahue/Instagram
Jun Song (Big Brother 4 winner)

I have not watched one episode of Big Brother 22 because the superfans who tweet about it is all I need to know about this season. Even if the season has been predictable and tragic, the fans have brought it to life in their usual creativity. Now, to be completely transparent about my pettiness, I’m going to say that I do not want Nicole Franzel to win solely because I don’t want to live in a world that she’s the sole two-time winner of Big Brother. And I say this with pain in my BB heart because I’d love for the first two-time winner to be a woman.

So once CBS gives us a decent all-winners season, then we can all put our money where our mouths are and see who comes out the victor. Because we all know that things are not fair and equal in the Big Brother house. With that being said, either Cody or Enzo winning wouldn’t be the worst thing that happens in 2020. If all these alleged all-stars let Cody get to the end, then it’s on them. That’s not to say that Enzo didn’t put in some effort to get to the end. But Cody should get the jury votes because I know he’d come back for an all-winners season. It would be even sweeter for me to be able to lay him to rest with the other boys’ boys who are so overrated with the scales being tipped in their favor to begin with.

Courtesy of Jun Song/Instagram
Rachel Reilly (Big Brother 12, 13 winner)

I would say that Cody has played a truly flawless game! I actually think one of the best we've seen. Cody has everyone in his back pocket, and they all love him. He won the first competition in 22 seconds, yet people still kept him around all season! He won comps and people targeted other gamers over him. He never sat on the block. Everyone wanted to be his bestie and not target him. I think between social wins, competition wins and mental gameplay, he's had this in the bag the whole season! I think if Cody doesn't win it's because someone cuts him in the end ... and whoever cuts him at final three will win the season! So, crossing fingers it's Cody winning the final HOH! And yes, I think that puts him up there with the top winners of all time. Good for him!  

Andy Herren (Big Brother 15 winner)

If he makes it to the final two, Cody deserves to win, and it isn't even close. He has carried Enzo and Nicole along with him the whole game, getting everything he wants. Nicole didn't want Ian to go, but Cody did, so Ian went. Enzo chickened out when Tyler and Christmas wanted him to vote Nicole out because of Cody. The examples go on and on. Both Nicole and Enzo owe getting this far to Cody, and if he sits in the final two and loses to one of them, it will be a travesty. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't fully understand the game. This thing is Cody's to lose. HOWEVER, if Enzo or Nicole cut Cody, then whoever does it becomes the best player of the season and fully deserves to win! 

Courtesy of Andy Herren/Instagram
Josh Martinez (Big Brother 19 winner)

I believe that all three houseguests are very deserving of the win, and I’m extremely happy for all of them. I would love to see my good friend Nicole become the first two-time winner and make history. You don’t make final three by luck, and she’s really proven to be one of the best to ever play, love her or hate her. But I do think she has to make the big move and cut Cody if she wins the final HOH in order to secure jury votes. That’s her biggest competition in the end.

Also, I'd like to give credit to Cody. He’s completely killed it this season in every aspect of the game – aligned well and won comps to secure his safety. To be honest, I like a flashier game. Even though his gameplay was boring, he did what he had to do to make it to final two and I respect that. A final two with Cody and Nicole would be amazing to watch as a fan and both are extremely deserving. If I was in the jury I would vote for Nicole, but I do think that Cody will win. Can’t wait to see how it plays out.

James Rhine (Big Brother 6, 7)

Cody hands-down has had the easiest ride to final three in BB history. Along with winning seven comps, he handed out marching orders each week, and his fellow houseguests did his bidding without question. Just a few weeks ago, Nicole was on the block and the house jester, Enzo, refused to vote out a former winner over David, all because his daddy told him to. Week after week, Cody dominated these "small stars" like a true legend. Not to mention, his alliance controlling HOH every single week is something we'll never see again. 

Nicole spent all summer crying and attacking Janelle worrying about what everyone in and outside the house thought of her instead of focusing on the game. She was so minuscule a threat, this former winner was spared from eviction when up against David, a houseguest so clueless and oddly likable, it could never be replicated. BUT in the final weeks, she woke up, won HOH and Veto to change her own course. With as many comps wins as lost wedding guests, Nicole came alive at the right time. If she wins the Final HOH and cuts Cody, breaking their final two, and drags the loud but useless Enzo to final two, her entire legacy is written and fans critical of her game, like myself and most alumni, will now have to place her in the top five as the only two-time winner. 

Enzo is the loud obnoxious teammate who screams all game from the bench, but when the final stat sheet is tallied, he's got 0 points, 0 rebounds, 1 assist, and 5 fouls in eight minutes. While we loved his DRs, eventually two seasons of big talk and no game make him the perfect houseguest to drag to final two. No respectable houseguest or fan could see him winning against Nicole or Cody, since all talk and no action is not worthy of anything but blooper reels. 

Courtesy of James Rhine/Instagram
Michelle Costa (Big Brother 10)

For me, this season has been tainted by many issues. I know there are pre-game alliances that happened, but to this extent, it's disappointing. I would have liked to see alliances formed organically. That being said, I think Cody has played the best game out of the three left. Cody won comps, had a great social game, was never on the block and had 1.5 million alliances that benefited him. The last part of his gameplay is if Cody wins last HOH and chooses the right person to take to finale. This for me will be how the jury decides who should win. Cody needs to make the right $500,000 choice or it will cost him again.

Courtesy of Michelle Costa/Instagram
Jessie Godderz (Big Brother 10, 11)

No contest. My brother Cody. Easy. He has the BEST social game. Plus, he's a beast at comps. And he was not on the block all season long. He's a true Big Brother legend in every way. He definitely deserves the grand prize. And if you go back to my BB predictions for Us Weekly, I picked him since day one. Always #TeamCody all the way! 

Courtesy of Pamela Barnett/OVW Wrestling on YTA
Ronnie Talbott (Big Brother 11)

The deserving winner for this season, in my opinion, is going to come down to this final HOH. If Cody wins and chooses to evict Nicole, then I think he deserves to win. If Nicole manages to make it to the end, then I feel she deserves to win. She is a previous winner and should’ve been a target for everyone in that house and wasn’t. I feel you have to respect her getting to the end for a second time. She is the only female player ever to do that and she also is a winner. 

Courtesy Ronnie Talbot/Twitter
Matt Hoffman (Big Brother 12)

Who deserves to win is based on how the endgame plays out. If Cody wins the final HoH, he most certainly wins the season, regardless of who he takes. If Nicole wins the final HoH, her victory will likely be dictated by who she decides to take with her. If she cuts Cody and takes Enzo, she makes the most (well, the only) baller move of the season and will take the victory. If she cuts Enzo and chooses loyalty over victory, she rewards Cody by making the exact same mistake he made in season 16 that cost him the $500,000. 

Courtesy of Matt Hoffman/Instagram
Adam Poch (Big Brother 13)

I think Cody "deserves" to win this season. He's won the most comps, controlled the votes (always voted with the majority) and pretty much ran the whole season. However, if Nicole wins the final HoH and cuts Cody, then she will "deserve" to win for coming alive the second half of the game and making the biggest move. I'm so bummed Enzo will not be able to pull out the win, however. He was in such a good spot most of the game, but never pulled away and made a move on his own. 

Courtesy of Adam Poch/Instagram
Lawon Exum (Big Brother 13)

Congratulations to the final three! I will have to say of Cody, Nicole and Enzo – Cody wants this win. He was hungry from the beginning. When he won the first HOH, he put himself in a position to communicate with each houseguest. At that time, he started building his alliances, which were with practically everyone. He had his hand in all BB All-Star cookie jars. He is at the end with his final two he formed. That being said, if nobody makes a bold move between Nicole and Enzo to get Cody out, Cody will be crowned the winner of BB All-Stars.

Courtesy of Lawon Exum/Instagram
Elissa Reilly Slater (Big Brother 15)

This is the first time this entire season that we, as viewers, don’t know what’s going to happen. I have felt that the "second day" alliance with Cody was a pre-game alliance, that he got lucky and pulled off the first win. The first win set the alliance up for the season because any pre-gaming that Cody has done already gave him the upper hand and he continued the ride, dominating all season.

Cody played a flawless game. It was boring that no one ever went after Cody. The only hope to shake things up would be for him to have been taken out. Unfortunately, Janelle, Kaysar and Bayleigh, who all went out early, were our only hope to go after him. So basically, it was his game to lose.

Cody is obviously super likable. When saying that, it’s not fake like the others who use it as strategy. He’s a genuinely nice and loyal guy and I’m glad it has paid off for him. You know that saying "nice guys finish last"? Hopefully not this time. I think because Cody is truly a great person, the jury won’t be bitter toward him and will almost unanimously vote for him to win if he’s final two.

Enzo is my second choice to win. Again, everyone loves Enzo. He’s funny, charismatic, and the houseguests enjoyed having him in the house so much so that they never even nominated him. I think his only chance of winning is if he’s up against Nicole. It would be a toss-up. He does not have a very impressive résumé because when he could make his big moves, "it was too early in the game, yo." (Ummm the game was almost over!) However, he was never nominated and as a former third place player, that’s impressive. 

I think Nicole has rubbed too many of the jurors the wrong way for them to give her the win. She does not have a good résumé to present for them to give her the win. Her only chance to win is if she’s up against Enzo.

Courtesy of Elissa Reilly Slater/Twitter
McCrae Olsen (Big Brother 15)

So, this season has obviously been a nightmare and the fanbase has suffered a great amount. A Nicole win would make the fanbase very upset. A Cody win would make the fanbase very upset. As much as I love to see the fanbase suffer, I actually think that Big Brother fans have suffered enough. I think that Enzo winning the season would actually be the best outcome. Enzo had a lot of comic relief during the season and, not to mention, he actually won competitions and positioned himself nicely to be in the finals. I don't think he played the best game compared to the other two, but him winning would be a little redemption for a season that promised so much but delivered so little – besides some of the most bizarre Julie moments we've ever seen. 

Courtesy of Mccrae Olson/Instagram
Donny Thompson (Big Brother 16)

I think Cody deserves to win this season of Big Brother All-Stars. If Nicole wins last part of HOH and cuts Cody, then she deserves to win. I voted for Cody once and would do it again!

Courtesy of Donny Thompson/Instagram
Dominique Cooper (Big Brother 19)

Although my season pick immediately following the premiere was Da'Vonne, it’s no surprise Cody is slated to take home this season’s $500,000. Absent of any emotional payload, he played a remarkable game and deserves the win. He crushed the comps and exercised the appropriate measure of social engagement to secure his position in the game. Data is king right?! His numbers  definitely explain why he’s in the final three lineup.

Courtesy of Dominique Cooper/Twitter
Kevin Schlehuber (Big Brother 19)

I have been watching and my particular favorites didn’t make the top three! But the game is based on social, comps and overall composure during the 12 weeks. I feel that Cody and Nicole have done great on comps, and Enzo has a great social game, but having to pick one person who played an overall good game, I have to say Cody!! I hope I didn’t jinx him. I would agree 100 percent with the jury! 

Courtesy of Kevin Schlehuber/Instagram
Winston Hines (Big Brother 20)

First of all, the fact that nobody in that house targeted and got out Nicole as a former winner is beyond me. Day one, I’m talking bank accounts. Ian and Nicole? SEE YA. What the actual hell? If she sits next to either one of them on finale night, she deserves the win – although she might not get it. Let’s face it, there are always some bitter jurors. However, with the mix of old-school players respecting cutthroat gameplay (Ian, maybe Dani and Memphis) – throw Tyler and David in the mix who seem to be leaning toward not holding a grudge for getting outplayed – Nicole making it to the final two in itself is incredible. I don’t care if she slept the first eight weeks. She played this game literally in her f--king sleep, which is INSANE.

My gut wants Enzo to win. He played the most phenomenal social game out of anyone, nobody has a single bad thing to say about him in jury and I want him to be at every BBQ I ever attend, yo. He’s won comps when needed but done what’s best for him.

Cody is deserving, but in my opinion, he had the chance to knock out Nicole over Christmas last week and didn’t take it. Making one final cutthroat move in getting rid of a past winner and going back on your final two, giving America a savage moment of Big Brother, would have solidified his win. But taking Nicole, bad choice ... play the tape of season 16.

Courtesy of Winston Hines/Instagram
Rachel Swindler (Big Brother 20)

All three of these finalists deserve to win in some way. You have Enzo and Cody, who never saw the block, and Nicole, a former winner, skate all the way to the end mainly due to her great social game. My pick to win this season was initially Enzo. His social game throughout was close to perfect, and the fact he was able to get to the end and mask his relationship with Cody was very impressive. Unfortunately, he will have to explain his game too much to the jury at the end. He also talked a lot about big moves, but I don’t think the jury believes he has delivered on that. Although I find his game commendable, Cody is the clear front-runner. He has won the most competitions, actually made big moves (getting Tyler out) and his social game needs to be applauded. Overall, he has played the best game and deserves to win, hands-down. So, if either of the other finalists want to win, they need to cut Cody. 

Courtesy of Rachel Swindler/Instagram
Kat Dunn (Big Brother 21)

Love her or hate her, I gotta give credit where it’s due: Nicole Franzel deserves to win this season. I know a lot of people don’t think her gameplay is deserving to be a two-time winner, but when you look specifically just at her game THIS season, it is definitely deserving of the win. 

While Cody coasted through the season protected by his allies, Nicole had to play scrappy and we saw her make a lot of strategic moves. Her only downfall is that she does not “own” her scrappy gameplay, which is unfortunate because I think people would be a lot more receptive to her winning if she did. But fortunately for Nicole, it’s not up to us, it’s up to the jury, and I think she has enough of a case that will sway them in her favor.

Courtesy of Kat Dunn/Instagram
Ovi Kabir (Big Brother 21)

Out of the three remaining houseguests left in Big Brother: All-Stars (Cody, Enzo, and Nicole), I wish I could say they all equally had a chance to win, but then I would be lying. And I simply cannot lie about this. It is without a shred of doubt in my mind, that barring a bitter jury, this is Cody’s season to lose and he is currently in the driver’s seat for winning this season. However, I was taught to believe anything can always happen, so I’ll break down the possible scenarios I see in which each houseguest has a chance to win this season:

Like I said above, Cody has controlled this season since week one. Whether it was putting it in his own hands and winning vital competitions or using his allies to do his dirty work, Cody cemented a historically high performing alliance that dominated the game. With eight competition wins and social ties across the house, Cody has pulled both his closest allies to the final three and also has a strong possibility of being taken to the final regardless of who wins. Out of his two seasons of playing the game, Cody has yet to have a single vote cast against him for eviction in the Big Brother house. That should be a testament to how well Cody has navigated and played Big Brother. Cody’s biggest struggle outside of making the final two will be fitting everything he did over the span of three months into 30-second answers to the jury.

By no means has Enzo played a bad game, in fact he has put a clinic on with the use of his social abilities and vital competition wins. Similar to Cody, Enzo never saw himself on the block this entire season. Unfortunately, “similar to Cody” is the story of Enzo’s game as he does not have much to differentiate his game versus his closest ally, Cody. Enzo needs to make it known that he played a different game than Cody and made sure to always keep himself insulated and safe no matter who won power. His biggest hurdle, I believe, is his insistence of preaching “Big Moves," but always taking the safest route when given the opportunity to make a power play. While Enzo has a lot of love within the jury, I am unsure his game has the respect it needs from them to give him the win.

One of only two former winners to grace the Big Brother: All-Stars house this season, Nicole holds the record of most days spent within the Big Brother house in history. A threat from day one, Nicole made crucial social ties to ensure that she would not be a target. Only finding herself on the block for the first time during the triple eviction night, not once, but twice, Nicole was able to survive it both times. An impressive feat for the only former winner left. Furthermore, Nicole has put it in the work in this final stretch of the game as she has won significant competitions to send people she needs home. Nicole has a strong argument to the jury if she makes the final two as she is a former winner and made it to the same spot again. I believe she has some friends in the jury, and she is the biggest threat to Cody’s potential of winning the game. Nicole may very likely be the first two-time winner of Big Brother, but she’s still going to have to make a strong case.

Courtesy of Ovi Kabir/Instagram
Kemi Fakunle (Big Brother 21)

It’s complicated who should win, right? On the one hand, I love being biased, so I think Enzo should win. But at the same time, Nicole played the exact same game as her winning game just a few years ago and is the only winner left. She also stayed over the first person out on the most recent season, which is huge! So she really should win. But, Cody played the best overall game of the three, was never nominated and (if you want to take history into account) would’ve won his first season if he hadn’t taken Derrick to final two. So Cody should win. Basically, I think they all have a shot, but if Cody is in final two, he deserves it the most.

Courtesy of Kemi Fakunle/Instagram
Tommy Bracco (Big Brother 21)

Obviously, Cody’s played the best out of the three. The fact that he was able to make it to the end without seeing the block AND has the most comp wins this season is beyond! But I also admire how scrappy Nicole’s game is. For being one of the only two previous winners in the house and to make it this far again, it shows how good she really is. She’s extremely calculated, manipulative, a little sneaky and I am HERE FOR IT!

Courtesy of Tommy Bracco/Instagram
Jessica Milagros (Big Brother 21)

As disappointed as I was with the lack of big moves on the season, I have to say that although Enzo and Nicole are in my final draft, my pick to win this season is Cody. 

He's proven to have been running the game the whole season, making moves and playing a great social game (given that he has never been put on the block) while  being a massive comp beast. He has been able to stay two steps ahead of everything that's been happening, getting fed information from every source and explaining his gameplay in his goodbye messages, which shows the strategic growth in his game. 

Although Enzo seems to be the most liked, I just don't feel like he's had a game worthy of a first place win, and I would like to give the jury enough credit to vote based on well-rounded gameplay, not just who's most liked. He unfortunately talked about making big game moves that he couldn't follow through with (including not voting Nicole out of the game during the triple eviction). That alone should place him third, knowing that he had the opportunity to break up that pair.

Finally, Nicole's game has been interesting to see. I give her credit in how she's played herself down to not seem as a big threat and then came out with the wins when it counted. However, I only see her winning if she wins final HOH and decides to cut Cody, or have the best final two speech in the history of the game, since their games have been so very intertwined. She just doesn't have enough BIG moves in the game, unless you count cutting Ian or Memphis (which, in my eyes, was an only-option-kind-of move). Given that Cody's overall influence in the house has been the reason she's stayed in the game this long, could hurt her, but it can not be overlooked that making it to final two as an already BB champ is a big accomplishment and not easy (unless you have a BFF like Cody who is a major reason that got you there). It may seriously all come down to those final speeches. 

Courtesy of Jessica Milagros/Instagram
Cliff Hogg (Big Brother 21)

Cody deserves the BB title this season. Not only did he dominate the competitions, but he also has done a fantastic job with his social game. He is responsible for sending so many houseguests to the jury house, and yet those same evictees still respect his game and will likely give him their votes. Anyone who can dominate this season without also creating a bitter jury deserves the title!

Courtesy of Cliff Hogg/Instagram


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